Working through the radon example

Before Class


Lash TL. The Harm Done to Reproducibility by the Culture of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2017;186(6):627-635. doi:10.1093/aje/kwx261

Preparation for in-class activity

In class, we will be doing a walk-through of how to reproduce the analysis in the radon paper we reviewed in a previous class session. To be able to run this, please come to class with your computer set up to run the example:

  1. Install or update to the latest version of RStudio. The tutorial code will be contained in a Quarto markdown document. Quarto is an updated version of the venerable RMarkdown, and the newest versions of RStudio include Quarto support by default.

  2. Set up your R/RStudio installation to be able to load the following packages using the following code:


If you are not sure if you have these installed or want to update to the latest versions, please paste this command into a running R session to download and install:


If you run into problems with any of these, please let me know!

During Class

  • Slides

  • You can find the tutorial we are going to work through here